About the Project
This project was a little branding exercise that I put together after talking to a friend about her experience ordering a salad from SweetGreen. My goals revolved entirely around personal growth and included improving my design skills for iPad screens, learning how to design around existing company branding, and further improving proficiency with sketch.

A fun interactive screen for selecting from one of the many warm bowls that Sweet Green offers
The main constraint with this project was that I had never and still, to this day, have never eaten SweetGreen. I've also never been inside a SweetGreen and, at the time of this project, didn't even know where the nearest SweetGreen was located.
Before the project, I confidently believed SweetGreen was a salad chain that exclusively sold build-your-own salads and did not offer any of their own menu items. I chose to pursue the project partially because I found the customization-only model intriguing.
As it turns out, I was wrong.
SweetGreen does in fact have their own salads and even "warm bowls," which ultimately informed my design as it allowed for a standard landing page as well as pages for each category of bowl.
Style guide
I started by downloading some of SweetGreen's branding guidelines that were publicly available and then adding my own font options based on their custom font. I then pulled images of different ingredients that they included on their website to get a sense of the different colors and textures that would frequently appear throughout the ordering experience.

Below are all the screens I created for this project. The screens shown here follow the full kiosk workflow for a customer ordering a fish taco bowl and include some of the different landing page options I tried out before settling on the final one (shown at top).
My goal was to use only the iconography, imagery, and existing colors from the SweetGreen brand guidelines and applications on their website to create an in-store ordering experience of my own.

A minimalist layout for displaying warm bowls

A more information dense layout for displaying warm bowls

A sample screen for customizing your warm bowl

Sample screen for looking at items in your bag

Payment screen with order number

Closing screen after payment
The Outcome
Overall, I'm happy with how the project came out. I learned a lot of new things and also developed an interest in a salad company as someone who dislikes salad, which is a nice plus.
If I had to do this again, I'd choose to tackle a more complex problem like ordering with accessibility in mind or creating an extremely tight time constraint. I'd also try out prototyping the flow with some micro animations to see just how distracting or enjoyable the process might be.
Ultimately, I'd look for more feedback on the project and try to redesign around pushback while incorporating suggestions from others.