Lynq's updated UI
Project Overview
I worked with Lynq AI to help improve their AI chat and search results UI during the early stages of concept validation and design exploration.
My role was to provide UI feedback after the development team received thoughts from beta testers that they were struggling to implement.

mockup from ideation session on saved and shared chat queries
What was the problem?
After getting a walkthrough of the product and digging through the comments from beta testing, I realized the biggest issue was the misalignment of mental models rather than an engineering issue.
Financial analysts and fund managers who participated in beta testing largely expected the workflows portion of the product to look more like excel, an editable PDF, or a word doc.
Beta testers struggled to navigate the workflows page because it felt "too technical" for the task at hand.
The Outcome
The workflows screen became the primary fix as it was the screen that seemed to cause users the most difficulty. Many of the beta testers felt the old workflows screen was asking too much of them.
Our solution was to make the workflows screen more approachable by adding visual elements like labels and logos that were more familiar to our target audience.
Additionally, we removed most of the drag and drop functionality in the original workflows page and opted for a simple clickable card layout to further support the target users.

A peak at the process
Checkout the notes from our critique sessions below!